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Your Private Investment Office

Spectra provides tailored investment management aligned with your personal needs and goals.

Our core services cover the full scope of personal wealth planning, from needs analysis to portfolio implementation and monitoring. We offer institutional-quality information systems, proprietary analytics, risk management, and integration. 


Our sourcing services help you access the specific expertise and solutions that make the most sense for your life. We are rooted in our community and have a wealth of contacts across a range of financial, professional, and lifestyle services.

Planning Methodology

Ideas alone are cheap - implementation is what really counts. 

- Myron Scholes, Nobel Laureate 1997

Spectra's wealth planning process seeks to marry your individual needs and goals with an efficient and effective investment management program.

The Result of this Process is Your Personal Wealth Blueprint. 

Your blueprint is designed to meet your personal hierarchy of needs. It is informed neither by marketing nor by wishful thinking: we build and maintain your blueprint with objective assessments of long-term market data, potential risk factors, and cost efficiency. 

The Foundation of Your Blueprint is Lifestyle Preservation

Whatever economic or market trends might come to pass, we design a buffer to preserve current consumption for a sufficient period of time.

Once This Need is Addressed, We Target Sources of Longer-Term Wealth Accumulation

This involves tax-efficient income and growth, as well as credible sources of excess return.

Finally, Philanthropic Goals and Idiosyncratic Investments are Addressed

This is where we account for the desire to further multi-generational values and aspirations or broader philanthropic objectives.

Read more about out investment selection process here.

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